What Are Thrombosed Hemorrhoids And Their Causes?

Piles is one of the most uncomfortable medical conditions to be stuck with. Piles occurs when blood vessels located near the lower rectum become inflamed or even burst. This sort of condition can even be embarrassing for one to have, especially if one is constantly on his or her feet at work. Piles can interfere with every part of daily life and is something that one should seek to remedy as soon as possible.

External piles are seen outside of the anal opening and are covered by skin. They are brown or black in colour. This type of external piles are usually very painful due to the many nerve endings in the surrounding area.

It is important to completely chew food until it is broken down to small bits. This makes it easier for your body to digest it more quickly and easily. This will in turn prevent and ease piles. You should also take your time while eating; doing it in a hurry will in turn mean that you are swallowing big chunks of foods and downing it hurriedly. This is not healthy for your digestive track. Proper table etiquette as this is the beginning of piles treatment.

Another piles treatment that can be considered is the use of Ginger. Here are the directions for using ginger when it comes to piles. You need to take a half teaspoon of ginger juice that is freshly made along with fresh mint and lime juice. You could add a tablespoon of honey. This is considered to be very effective in piles treatment.

Open each read more piece of mail (instead of just setting it in a pile) and decide if you can spare the extra minute then and there, to just take care of it. This is where it gets tricky for some - dealing with it right then and there. We are so eager to see what's in the mail, but we have ZERO desire to actually deal with it - except to maybe look through a new magazine we just received. Spare the magazine and deal with your mail right away!

Piles can bleed and, if left untreated, can protrude out of the anus and become thrombosed. The bleeding happens when the delicate walls of the piles rupture and released the trapped blood. The swollen veins are very aggravated and become purplish in colour giving the appearance of small grapes.

Another cure for piles is called bipolar coagulation. This is a painless treatment and what happens is that it coagulates mucous found in the affected area through electrotherapy. If this does not work, your other option is Hemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation on HAL. This is a popular cure for piles. How this is done is through a needle and a thread. The ultimate result is to tie the hemorrhoid that swelled and lessen the pain.

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